We Are: Masked and Ready


Two months ago, no one could have predicted the business and social environment we all are currently living in.  The last couple of months have certainly been life-changing and the way we conduct business is evolving and forcing us all to learn new ways to adapt.  We have seen the court systems close for an extended period and drastically change the schedules for many legal matters that we are involved in.  This has added another layer of uncertainty for attorneys, clients and experts 

Many of you who are reading this article may know Vallit’s history.  Vallit was formed in early 2019 to be a premier stand-alone dispute advisory, business valuation and forensic accounting firm.  The goal of Vallit is to provide our clients, attorneys and our referral sources unbiased advice and services that exceed their needs.  What you may not know about Vallit is that at its inception, the managing members of Vallit decided to invest in top-of-the-line technology for its staff, clients and referral sources.  Vallit has been fully digital and virtual since the day of its inception.    

So, what does this mean?  Well before any of the COVID-19 pandemic happened, Vallit was already using virtual meeting software as a normal course of its practice (primarily through Microsoft Teams, Go-To-Meeting and Zoom).  With a Denver office that is located 2,000 miles away from its Mid-Atlantic offices, Vallit was frequently using these software technologies to communicate and provide best-inclass customer service regardless of where the clients and their attorneys are located.   

Vallit’s day-to-day operations have not changed all that much during the COVID-19 pandemic.  We are still using the same technology that we used pre-pandemic.  Still working directly with clients and their attorneys to meet their needs and provide exceptional, objective service.  The only difference being that many of us, are working from home versus our respective offices  

Vallit professionals are experienced in using virtual deposition and meeting technology.  Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, members of Vallit have participated in virtual meetings to meet client needs.  We have been in close contact with national and local court reporting services and are familiar with their technology and software. We are ready and waiting to assist you on the next matter. We Are: Masked and Ready 

The contents above are purely educational in nature. The information contained within the website of Vallit Advisors, LLC should not be assumed to be representative of the views and opinions held by Vallit Advisors, LLC. Information found on this website is not intended to be legal advice, it is not intended to create or solicit instructions of any kind and should not be treated as such. By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by the web site Terms and Conditions of Use.

Providing a Clear View of The Financial Picture

Vallit is focused solely on dispute consulting, business valuation and forensic accounting. Our senior team members have testified over 200 times in Federal, State and International courts. Our dispute expertise ranges from family law to complex commercial and intellectual property matters in a wide variety of industries. In non-disputes, our valuation reports are relied on by estate and trust attorneys, auditors, and business decision makers for tax, financial reporting and transaction purposes.