Construction Damage Claims

Vallit has experience working with all parties in a construction-related litigation matter. Construction litigation matters are often contentious and Vallit has experience in working with their client and the client’s counsel throughout the discovery process as either an expert witness or an expert consultant.

Vallit has extensive experience in providing damage opinions in construction matters including but not limited to breach of contract, business interruption, delay claims and defect claims. Since many construction cases are highly contentious, we often are engaged to provide rebuttal opinions for opposing expert(s).

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Business Interruption

Whether it is a new construction project or a renovation project, delays and business interruption commonly occurs and is often the source of construction-related litigation. Vallit is experienced and capable in assisting counsel in determining the time frame in which a business was interrupted. In addition, Vallit will analyze the documents in the record and determine the lost revenues and profits and out-of-pocket expenses associated with the business interruption. Some cases require Vallit to put together a timeline for damages and other cases require Vallit do dig deep into expense detail to determine the additional expenses occurred during an interruption. Regardless of what the case involves, Vallit has seen it all and is ready and willing to assist in helping you with your construction-related business interruption.


Determination of Lost Value

The concept of lost-value is that a particular construction-related company is permanently impaired due to the alleged actions of some other party. Whether it be a breach of contract, defamation or some other type of case, the impaired party must be able to show that its loss was permanent. Determining the value before and after the damaging event can be challenging depending on what documentation exists. Vallit has extensive experience in providing affirmative and rebuttal opinions in construction-related loss in value claims. In addition, Vallit is able to assist counsel in determining the damage period and whether or not lost value is valid in a particular case.

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Our Services

Providing a Clear View of The Financial Picture

Vallit is focused solely on dispute consulting, business valuation and forensic accounting. Our senior team members have testified over 200 times in Federal, State and International courts. Our dispute expertise ranges from family law to complex commercial and intellectual property matters in a wide variety of industries. In non-disputes, our valuation reports are relied on by estate and trust attorneys, auditors, and business decision makers for tax, financial reporting and transaction purposes.

National & International Work

While our headquarters are in the Maryland region, we have performed assignments all over the globe working with national and international law firms and their clients. Our professionals work from our offices in Annapolis, Washington D.C. and Timonium/Baltimore. Our technology allows us to work seamlessly anywhere in the world to provide best of class dispute, valuation and forensic accounting services.